News on the mystery dog illness killing dogs in the Fordingbridge area
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IN MEMORY OF FLOSS FRICKER 6-4-2001 – 28-9-201 Lots of you knew Floss, my dog, very well. When she lost her battle against her illnesses recently I felt devastated.Floss was a special dog to many people. She was a clever, gentle, kind, obedient and funny little dog who brought joy to people wherever she went. Floss was never a threat to other animals and she particularly loved hedgehogs so it seems fitting that we do something for their welfare in Floss’ memory. If you wish to help hedgehogs in memory of Floss you can do it these ways:- • You can give cash to the me or the person collecting on my behalf and sign the memorial form • Or you can write a cheque made payable to BRITISH HEDGEHOG PRESERVATION SOCIETY and hand it to me or the person collecting on my behalf and you can or we can add your name to the form. It doesn't matter whether you feel inclined to give a few pence, a few pounds or more than that, every donation given will be appreciated and every donation will help these beautiful little creatures. BRITISH HEDGEHOG PRESERVATION SOCIETY reg. charity number 326885 Hedgehog house, Dhustone, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 – 3PL IF YOU DON'T KNOW ME PERSONALLY OR LIVE TOO FAR AWAY If you would still like to take part in this memorial you can send a donation to the BHPS at the above address and please mark it in loving memory of FLOSS FRICKER. You can also donate over the phone but please say you are donating in memory of FLOSS FRICKER The aims of the BHPS are:- • To encourage and give advice to the public concerning the care of hedgehogs particularly when injured, sick, treated cruelly, orphaned or in any other danger. • To encourage children to respect our natural wildlife, by supplying information and giving lectures and thus fostering interest in hedgehogs. • To fund research into behavioural habits of hedgehogs and to ascertain the best methods of assisting their survival. |
How exciting! The article I wrote is now published and in this magazine.
You can order a copy from
We’d like to remind you once more about keeping vaccinations up to date. It’s only a few days ago that a distraught member who has just moved to a new home in Essex contacted us to say that she’s very upset to find that wild rabbits in the area are very heavily infected, so she’s concerned about her own pet rabbits’ health and that she feels she doesn’t dare take on any more.
Please don’t let your rabbits miss or be late for any of their vaccinations. Until the new vaccine becomes available later this year, keep to the dates your rabbits are due, annually for VHD and six-monthly for Myxomatosis.
A few weeks back we asked our Facebook followers for FAQs on Myxi and VHD, and this threw up some questions about hay too. Over the next few days we’ll be publishing one or two of your questions daily with answers from our Vet expert advisor Richard Saunders BSc (Hons) BVSc MSB CBiol DZooMed (Mammalian) MRCVS . Thanks to everyone who took part and contributed, we hope that this is both interesting and useful:
Myxi –
Q1)How effective is the new combined vaccine against myxo. Have heard of lots of cases of pseudo myxo in last 12 months on vaccinated rabbits. Will this still happen with combined vaccine, is it a new vaccine more appropriate to recent strains?
A1) Data sheet for it is now online:
In theory, this new vaccine should be better, and it has been tested against virulent strains.
Rather than overburden you with mails, we'll publish further questions and answers in the following places, where you'll be able to access them.
This page is for things that might interest you and not necessarily about WAGGY WALKERS
RABBIT WELFARE WEEK September 15th - 22nd 2012
Look out for free bunny checks at participating vets. Look out for special offers in pet shops for bunny food and other items
I have written an article about the day my pets went to school to meet the children.
It is mainly about my rabbits but also about my other pets too and the children of course.
You will find it in the April issue of BUNNY MAD. Available online.
It costs £3.95 plus p&p
If any of you who know me personally wish to order a copy then just let me know and we will all order together to save on p&p. Anne X
The words to the song:'A Hutch is Not Enough'I'm alone and you can't see me Once a day you throw me food Forgotten here, there is no freedom I'm invisible to you...
I strongly recommend, all rabbit owners and people who are considering owning a rabbit should join RWA. You pay a modest fee and included in your membership you get 4 magazines a year, packed full of valuable information and it is delivered to your door.

Rabbiting On - The Magazine for Rabbit Lovers
Most of our members think that Rabbiting On, our quarterly magazine, is worth the membership fee on its own! The glossy magazine is produced quarterly and distributed free of charge to our members - that's about 3,500 people, including rabbit rescue organisations and veterinary practices, who need to keep an eye on developments in rabbit health and medicine.
Rabbiting On is a fantastic read, with articles devoted to the care and welfare of domestic rabbits, balanced perfectly with fun and informative features, all wonderfully illustrated with glorious photos of our favourite furry friends.
Example Articles.
- Artful Arthropods - how much do you know about fleas, ticks, mites and other biters by Vet Glen Cousquer.
- Seven Ages of the RWAF
- Choosing a veterinary practice for your rabbit by Clare King, veterinary nurse.
- Beware Poisons
- Rabbit Calendar - Plan your rabbits year
- The Rabbit digestive system by vet Anna Meredith,Head of Exotic Animal and Wildlife Service at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh
It really does have something for everyone with a love for rabbits. Flicking through it's pages you will find all the latest news of RWAF activities, cutting-edge information from our highly qualified experts on rabbit health, medicine, nutrition and behaviour, the latest bunny goodies for sale, readers' letters, articles that will make you laugh and cry, and pages of pictures of the most beautiful, and yet underestimated, animal in the world.
Advertisers see Rabbiting On as the place to reach people who really want to give their rabbit the best life possible, so it's a great resource for all the best bunny products on the market. We reckon that the passion for rabbits shown in the pages of Rabbiting On, both by the writers and the readers, is helping to push manufacturers into producing better quality products that allow rabbits to live a more fulfilled and happy life.
If you had the misfortune of missing any copies then there are back issues available. Numbers are limited so hurry to the shop to see which ones you can still get your paws on.
No rabbit-owner should be without it!
To reserve your copy, why not join the RWAF?

Did you know there is a LAW on what you should do to keep your pets happy?
A hutch is definately not enough. Your rabbit needs daily exercise and that means access to space where he can run and binky about.
A run in the garden or in a "run" in the garden and the bigger the better.
House rabbits are often given a bunny proofed room or space to binky and run.
The Animal Welfare Act 2007 identifies the five key needs of every animal:
1. The need for a proper diet (including water)
2. The need for somewhere suitable to live
3. The need to be housed with, or apart from, other animals (as appropriate)
4. The need to express their normal behaviour
5. The need to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease.
A hutch is definately not enough. Your rabbit needs daily exercise and that means access to space where he can run and binky about.
A run in the garden or in a "run" in the garden and the bigger the better.
House rabbits are often given a bunny proofed room or space to binky and run.
The Animal Welfare Act 2007 identifies the five key needs of every animal:
1. The need for a proper diet (including water)
2. The need for somewhere suitable to live
3. The need to be housed with, or apart from, other animals (as appropriate)
4. The need to express their normal behaviour
5. The need to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease.